How Exactly Does Vision Therapy Work? – Health Advice Now

The first step in vision therapy is to begin with easy exercises. They slowly become more challenging. It’s a great approach to learning. Every new skill builds an important foundation to be used in more challenging tasks. The exercises for the eyes not only enhance your vision but can also help train your brain. Your brain never stops learning.

Training is tailored according to patient’s specific needs. The goal is to make them not too difficult to keep the patient’s attention, yet not so hard that a patient could become discouraged easily. A patient should have the ability to perform any exercise in at least 80% of their time. You can develop peripheral vision without ever thinking. It is possible to do this automatically.

One-on-1 exercises may be as simple as reading an eye chart and playing with something like a Hippty Hop-like apparatus. There are also times when you may get asked to catch rings, single-handed Juggling, or even walk along the balance beam at a low level, using a ball to the end of a rope.

The purpose of vision therapy is as a temporary fix to improve your visual abilities. r6u1lv7ug9.

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