The main valve closes the whole building and is the first topic people talk about when they speak. The bypass is just above that the valve’s primary location is in, and is shut down.
To signal that something is incorrect, a alarm for a sprinkler can sound inside the building. The fire has either been put out or the sprinkler gets damaged. For the valve to turn off the shutoff valve, the person has to first turn it on. Next, turn off the fire and jockey pump. The jockey pump’s purpose is to build pressure if tension is lost across the building. In order to stop the fire from bursting, the jockey pump kicks off to raise pressure.
Floor control buttons and knobs are above the unit. They can be utilized for maintenance to separate floors. To make it easier to isolate and operate, each floor is equipped with the valve of its own. This video provides valuable advice from the technician to anyone planning on managing sprinkler systems in the facility. kn3ejyg1s8.