There are a lot of things you need to think about when you start your insurance company. 92% of insurance businesses fail. There are many opportunities to earn a lot of money are endless if you can figure out how much you can earn. What’s the highest amount you’ll earn as an agent. The initial 8 months of your career will be crucial. If you’re really looking to get your career off the ground Keep these suggestions in mind. This isn’t the option to become an insurance agent. A typical insurance agent is paid $50k per year. This may be higher or less for certain. Insurance agencies have more millionaires than other industries in the world. The goal is to earn more than the average individual. The six-figure formula can allow you to make more. It is a method to follow. If you want to avoid being to be average, it is recommended to follow these guidelines. Starting a business is extremely risky. It is necessary to put in substantial amounts of capital for this type of business. The reason is that many people are weary of starting on their own. kcut479658.